St. Paul’s & IMUN

St. Paul´s participated in a Model United Nations Conference. We were lucky enough to have 15 students participating at the XVII Iberian Model United Nations (IMUN) that took place in Lisbon from the 10th of November to 13th organized by the Carlucci American International School in Lisbon.

It was a great experience for everyone that attended. We were up at 6 in the morning and hard at work all day lobbying, debating, speaking and writing resolutions, all in English!

We represented six nations with 13 delegates in the Security Council, Special Conference and the General Assembly and two press people reporting on the event.

Congratulations to all the delegates and reporters: Nacho Sarrio, Álvaro Casacuberta, Ignacio Castellar, Marina Riera, Jordi Escaler, Pepe Gay, Vicky Longan, Elsa García, María Castañer, Matilde Suarez, Albert Arnal, Francis Manresa, Quim Altirriba, Ángels Ruiz y Carla Blanco.

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