Book Week at St. Paul’s

Last week we celebrated Book Week at St.Paul´s. We enjoyed many different activities related to reading and writing.

We had a very special visit from Luke Temple, an author who came all the way from England. Luke shared a fantastic assembly with all of primary and he had workshops with each class in which he taught us how to improve our writing in English.

One of the activities we enjoyed during Book Week was the use of Reading Corners around the school during playtime and after lunch. It gave us an opportunity to enjoy reading with our friends. Some children loved reading the books they bought at the Book Fair.

Another special activity was having teachers from different year groups coming to the classes to do a morning session with each class. The children enjoyed various activities from short plays, Poetry workshops, using laptops to write comics, Ipads to create stories and many more.

Well done readers and writers, keep enjoying your books!

Raul Salmeron
Primary Coordinator

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