St. Paul’s School International Project: European Youth Parliament

As part of our International Project, on Sunday 2nd of February a group of six students from 4º ESO represented St. Paul’s School at the European Youth Parliament Barcelona General Assembly, one of the regional sessions organized in Spain.

The European Youth Parliament is an educational project which encourages independent thinking and socio-political initiative in young people. At the General Assemblies the resolutions, the result of many hours of intense work by the delegates, are read, defended, attacked, debated and finally voted on.
Before the session, each school is assigned a concrete resolution to be defended by the students within a committee. The resolutions deal with current issues affecting the European Union.

Delegates have to be familiar not only with their own topic but also with the resolutions of the other committees so as to be able to debate in a coherent and productive way. The discussion is moderated by the board which is also made up of European Youth Parliament members. The debates follow the model of the European Parliament and thus have a series of rules which must be known and respected by every delegate.

This event gives students the opportunity to practise their debating, public speaking and oral skills in English as well as having the chance to meet the students from the other participating schools. It also increases their awareness of the European Union and its workings.

This was the first time St. Paul’s School had participated in this event but there is no doubt we will be there again next year!

Pam Murphy
Head of English

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