Book Week at St. Paul’s
Last week we celebrated Book Week at St.Paul´s. We enjoyed many different activities related to reading and writing. We had
Model United Nations in Milan
Last week 14 students attended the Model United Nations conference organised by Liceo Linguistico A. Manzoni in Milan. We spent
Enguany, per primer cop, els nens i nenes de segon curs de primària varen participar a l’esdeveniment de dansa contemporània
Els batxillerat de biologia de St.Paul’s a l’Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge
El passat 15 d’abril els alumnes de 1r i 2n de Batxillerat de Biologia vam gaudir d’una visita a l’àrea
Sexin School from Istanbul at St. Paul’s
About 13 students from the Sezin School in Istanbul came last Wednesday to St Paul´s as a cultural visit. They
The Oral Skills Programme in 6th grade
The Movie Making activity for the Video School Magazine in 6th grade, have had a big impact on the English
Book Week at St. Paul’s
Last week we celebrated Book Week at St.Paul´s. We enjoyed many different activities related to reading and writing. We had
Model United Nations in Milan
Last week 14 students attended the Model United Nations conference organised by Liceo Linguistico A. Manzoni in Milan. We spent
Enguany, per primer cop, els nens i nenes de segon curs de primària varen participar a l’esdeveniment de dansa contemporània
Els batxillerat de biologia de St.Paul’s a l’Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge
El passat 15 d’abril els alumnes de 1r i 2n de Batxillerat de Biologia vam gaudir d’una visita a l’àrea
Sexin School from Istanbul at St. Paul’s
About 13 students from the Sezin School in Istanbul came last Wednesday to St Paul´s as a cultural visit. They
The Oral Skills Programme in 6th grade
The Movie Making activity for the Video School Magazine in 6th grade, have had a big impact on the English