
  The International Science Teaching Foundation, (founder of Science Bits), have awarded the St. Paul's Secondary science teacher Julie Connolly for her educational excellence and for the introduction of new teaching methodologies through the use of technology.   In Julie’s own words…. “The teaching of science at St. Paul’s has always aimed...

Han sido cincuenta años en los que hemos crecido juntos y todo lo que es St. Paul´s actualmente se ha construido poco a poco con la ayuda de todos: Patronato, Consejo, Familias, Alumnos, Profesores, Dirección y Personal del centro. Éste es el secreto de nuestro...

VOLTA is an innovative programme that mixes sport, acrobatics, Latin American dance and martial arts together with an exciting approach to filmmaking. The Volta workshops have been running in Latin America and the UK for a number of years and we are now bringing VOLTA...

St. Paul’s ha adquirido recientemente dos unidades de LifeVac, un dispositivo especialmente diseñado para retirar cualquier obstrucción de comida o inorgánica de las vías aéreas. Una de estas unidades quedará ubicada en el comedor escolar y la segunda estará situada en la caseta de la...

This year´s Science Fair celebrated together with Europa International School at St Paul´s was a huge success, once again! There was an incredible amount of effort put in by all children in preparation for the big day and their work definitely did not disappoint. The presentations were all...