Premio Literario Internacional St. Paul’s. Potenciamos la literatura entre nuestros alumnos y los jóvenes del mundo

Una imagen vale más que mil palabras, reza el refrán.

En este caso, la imagen de Katia (una de las ganadoras americanas de la decimocuarta edición del Premio Literario Internacional St. Paul’s) en la videoconferencia que mantuvimos con ella el día del acto de entrega de premios y el correo de su Svetlana, su mamá, vale más que todas las explicaciones que podamos dar.

“Hello, David!

Good News!!!

Today Katia got the package from your school as well as the money! The bank has confirmed the transfer. Katia was super delighted, to say the least!!!

She is going to take the books to school tomorrow to share with her class. The certificate is very special and we will treasure it.

As for the money, we wanted you to know that it will be WELL spent, not wasted. She will put most of it in her college fund, will donate some to an organization that helps the victims of natural disasters (Samaritan’s Purse) and will probably spend the rest at Barnes and Nobles (the book store she loves!).

Thank you SO MUCH! Like I have stated before, it has been a pleasure to communicate with you and the other members of St. Paul’s Staff. God Bless! Thank you for everything!!


PS. Katia has been so inspired by winning the contest, she has been writing non-stop! Plus the students in her grade level have been challenged now to become better writers too!!”

¿Qué más podemos añadir?

Únicamente una cosa, nuestro Premio nos hace grandes.

David Gabaldon


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