From November 28th-30th students from 4th ESO and 2nd of Bachillerato
attended the first ever high school Model United Nations conference
organised by the American School of Barcelona known as BCNMUN.

Although it was the first time this conference had been held in the city, it was
regarded as one of the most successful MUN events in this school year.

St. Paul’s School played an important role in this conference as many
students carried out different tasks such as taking the role of delegates from
most UN countries, administration staff and we even had a press team.

We must highlight the international importance of this event where students
from 17 schools around Europe were able to discuss, lobby, merge, debate
and share different experiences.

It was a great experience for all. We yield the floor back to the chair!

Carles Grau. Press Team
St. Paul’s School Student – 2nd of Bachillerato
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