
This is how all the children in Early Years celebrated Christmas together with their families, teachers and of course a special visit from Santa. We wish you all a healthy and happy 2016 and hope you enjoy our video. Patricia Carranza Headteacher...

Once again, the children from Early Years and Primary have used their creative skills in our playground Christmas craft workshops, to construct our very own St. Paul's nativity scene. All the figures, animals and scenery are made out of polysterene, clay and recycled materials. This...

Educational innovation is at the top of the list of priorities for any 21st century school and this must be supported by professional development. Teachers need to access and experience the latest research, technology updates and curriculum resources.  At St. Paul’s School Barcelona we regularly...

Com és habitual cada curs, aquest 2015-16 tenim previst realitzar dos simulacres d’evacuació de les nostres instal·lacions. El primer el vàrem dur a terme el passat dimarts 13 d’octubre. Vam evacuar tots els edificis de St. Paul’s per tal que tots els nouvinguts -nous alumnes i...

Desde el Departamento de Castellano de St. Paul's os presentamos el video 'Aprendiendo a Pensar'. Dicho proyecto, coordinado por Otilia Roca y Montserrat Colomer en las clases de Early Years, está basado en aprendizaje por proyectos  y centrado en que los alumnos hagan  la conexión entre su...