Esdeveniments especials

World Book Day 2018

On the 1st of March children from schools all over the world celebrated World Book Day. The aim of this special day is to celebrate reading and to encourage children

Manos a la Obra

El curso 2018-19 St. Paul’s School va a celebrar su quincuagésimo aniversario. Son muchos los proyectos que tenemos previstos para celebrar un acontecimiento tan especial… ¡El 2018-19 será un año

Welcome to the new academic year!

I am delighted and excited to welcome each and every member of the St. Paul’s community to the academic year 2016-17.

Within our student centered program which promotes academic excellence and fully addresses diversity through a carefully planned curriculum led by our team of highly trained professionals, every student will be set individual goals in order to develop their skills as learners, critical thinkers and responsible citizens.

Encuentro Bienal Exalumnos 2016

Gracias a todos los que nos acompañasteis el pasado 10 de marzo en el Encuentro Bienal Exalumnos 2016, todos disfrutamos de una jornada entrañable, interesante y llena de emotivos recuerdos.

Christmas in Early Years

This is how all the children in Early Years celebrated Christmas together with their families, teachers and of course a special visit from Santa. We wish you all a healthy

St. Paul’s – Lighthouse School

  iPad project in St Paul’s School – St. Paul’ s se constituye en un referente en la aplicación de nuevas metodologías El pasado jueves 4 de junio, recibimos la visita

Summer 2015

We attach  the programme  for the St. Paul’s  Summer 2015. This year’s programme has a space theme and is full of fun activities in English designed for  students from P3

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