Esdeveniments especials

St. Paul’s School helps African Orphan Children

This week in St. Paul’s, we have received a Donation Certificate from Faraja Orphans Children Home in Arusha Tanzania.  Our donation reached the sum of 700€.  This amount was collected

Menciones Académicas

Un grupo de alumnos de ESO y 1º Bachillerato han recibido una felicitación especial, este curso,  por haber  obtenido un extraordinario  expediente académico. Felicidades a todos  por haberlo conseguido con

Creative Treasures

Durante la semana del 15 al 22 tendremos la posibilidad de visitar la Expo Art 2012 que este año se titula  Creative Treasures Las profesoras Anne Pons y Suzanne Furlan

ESO 1 – Drama

The week beginning 4th June, 1 ESO performed the plays which they had been rehearsing during the third term of the course.  Half of 1 ESO B performed” Lad Carl”

Science Evening for Parents

On 13th March, 15 parents took part in the second Science Evening for parents. The aim of the evening was for the parents to gain an appreciation of what their

Fem Mates

El passat 14 d’abril, l’Anzhelika Ayrapetyan, la Marina Mestres i l’Àlex Miranda de 2n ESO van participar a la 2a fase de Fem Matemàtiques, que es va celebrar a l’institut

Conferencia de Victor Küppers

Con gran asistencia de público, el 19 de enero tuvo lugar la conferencia sobre Gestión del entusiasmo en la familia, por parte de Victor Küppers, holandés afincado en Barcelona. La

St. Paul’s Nativity Scene

The children from 1st through to 5th grade of Primary created the beautiful nativity scene which is on display on the playground.  The figures, animals and scenery hand-made out of

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