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St. Paul’s Work Experience Programme

Competencias Básicas en ESO4

David Didau Teacher Training Workshop
As part of the St. Paul’s Professional Development Programme, a teacher training workshop will be held this September in the hands of David Didau.
David taught English for 15 years in a variety of schools in the UK and overseas. He started blogging about his experiences of teaching in 2011. That blog, The Learning Spy, is now widely recognised as one of the most influential education blogs in the UK. Didau currently works as a freelance writer, speaker and trainer, and is employed by Swindon Academy as an internal consultant on curriculum design, teaching and literacy.
He leads bespoke training and provides consultancy on a wide range of topics including:
Cognitive Psychology
Applying Research
We are delighted to be able to offer a limited number of places at this unique event designed for school leaders, coordinators, heads of department and teachers.
We hope you can join us!

Educational Excellence
Science Fair 2018

Dylan Wiliam Formative Assessment Workshop
As part of the St. Paul’s 50th anniversary celebrations the school is honoured to be welcoming the world-renowned education expert Dylan Wiliam.
Dylan Wiliam, PHD, is an internationally recognised authority in the development of effective, research-based formative assessment and his ideas have had a profound effect on teacher practice and student learning worldwide. His books, articles and face-to-face training – in countries like the United States, Singapore, Australia, and the United Kingdom – have helped thousands of schools to successfully implement formative assessment in the classroom.
Now for the first time ever Dylan will be presenting to educators here in Spain.
We are delighted to be able to offer a limited number of places at this unique two day event designed for school leaders, coordinators, heads of department and teachers.
We hope you can join us!

Innovación docente en matemáticas
El pasado 4 de noviembre, el profesor de matemáticas de St. Paul’s School, Abraham de la Fuente defendió su tesis doctoral: “Construcción del lenguaje algebraico en un entorno de resolución de problemas. El rol del conocimiento del profesor”.
En esta investigación, Abraham se pregunta cuáles son los conocimientos que debería tener un profesor de matemáticas para poder ayudar a los alumnos a aprender a utilizar el lenguaje algebraico. Y no solo eso, se interesa sobre cuáles son los mecanismos que se podrían utilizar para hacer mejorar a los profesores en su práctica docente.