Llengua anglesa i experiències internacionals

Emphasis on Drama

Drama does things with words. It introduces language as an essential and authentic method of communication. Drama sustains interactions between students within the target language, creating a world of social

Tech Scouts Summer Camp 2019

From the 8th until the 19th of July, in collaboration with Harbour Space University, St. Paul’s will be hosting the Tech Scouts Summer Camp. This international summer camp of science,

St. Paul’s Volta Project

VOLTA is an innovative programme that mixes sport, acrobatics, Latin American dance and martial arts together with an exciting approach to filmmaking. The Volta workshops have been running in Latin

¿Por qué St Paul´s opta por NO hacer el Bachillerato Internacional?

[vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” css_animation=””][vc_column][vc_column_text] El sistema del Bachillerato Internacional fue ideado en su momento, para dar respuesta a un conjunto de familias que por motivos profesionales debían

Christmas in Early Years

This is how all the children in Early Years celebrated Christmas together with their families, teachers and of course a special visit from Santa. We wish you all a healthy

St. Paul’s School Choir Summer Concert

The newly formed St. Paul’s School Choir,  made up of  students from 2nd to 6th grade of Primary, has been practising since last October, on Tuesday afternoons from 4:45-6:00 pm.

Summer 2015

We attach  the programme  for the St. Paul’s  Summer 2015. This year’s programme has a space theme and is full of fun activities in English designed for  students from P3


On Tuesday April 29th, 2014 we celebrated the prize-giving ceremony of the 17th edition of the St. Paul’s International Literary Prize. This year, our guest speaker was Eduardo Martín de

World Book Day en St Paul’s School Barcelona

Adelantándonos al día de St Jordi, ayer celebramos el día Mundial de libro: Los alumnos de Primaria de St. Paul’s School Barcelona trajeron sus libros favoritos y escogieron sus rincones

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