Llengua anglesa i experiències internacionals

Model United Nations in Milan

Last week 14 students attended the Model United Nations conference organised by Liceo Linguistico A. Manzoni in Milan. We spent four days debating, speaking, lobbying and discussing world issues representing

The Oral Skills Programme in 6th grade

The Movie Making activity for the Video School Magazine in 6th grade, have had a big impact on the English of the participating students.  When, either acting or in front

Ceremony for the Cambridge Certificates 2012

This year the ceremony for the Cambridge certificates took place on Thursday 15th November.  179 pupils from 6th grade, ESO and Bachillerato received their certificates from Mr. Jon Kear, Exams

18th Annual IMUN CONFERENCE (Lisbon)

Seventeen students from first of Bachillerato participated in the Iberian Model United Nations held from 8th to 10th of November. They took the floor, raised points of information, submitted amendments

Welcome Back From Vermont!

This week St. Paul’s was happy to welcome back the students from 2 ESO who had spent one month at Long Trail Secondary school in Vermont, USA.  All the students

Experiencia Internacional en Vermont

Desde el pasado 26 de agosto, un grupo de alumnos de 3ª de ESO está en Vermont, en el colegio Long Trail de Dorset, viviendo una experiencia de inmersión total

ESO 1 – Drama

The week beginning 4th June, 1 ESO performed the plays which they had been rehearsing during the third term of the course.  Half of 1 ESO B performed” Lad Carl”

American Visitors from Vermont

On Friday 24 February, St. Paul’s was delighted to receive a visit from 17 students from the Long Trail High School in Vermont, U.S.A.  The students were on a 2-week

St. Paul’s & IMUN

St. Paul´s participated in a Model United Nations Conference. We were lucky enough to have 15 students participating at the XVII Iberian Model United Nations (IMUN) that took place in

Glasgow Academy Choir

The Sound of Scotland in Barcelona On October 17th, for the first time in its history, St. Paul’s received a visit from a real Scottish pipe band.  The band was

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