Metodologies d’aprenentatge

Suzanne Furlan, St. Paul’s School art secondary teacher, was invited to address the students in the Master Programme in the Formació del Professorat de Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat in the University of Barcelona based on her experiences of working with Project Based Learning in the...

En el marc de la Setmana de la Ciència, els alumnes de 4t ESO ens hem apropat al Museu Blau per participar en el taller Com es fa una recerca? Ens han donat les instruccions per tal d’elaborar una bona recerca i com cal presentar-la. Una...

Seventeen students from first of Bachillerato participated in the Iberian Model United Nations held from 8th to 10th of November. They took the floor, raised points of information, submitted amendments and presented opening statements or points of reply. This enabled them to gain an insight...

In May St. Paul’s received a visit from a group of students from a secondary school in Finland who were on a cultural trip to Spain. As well as having a tour of the school, the Finnish students, both boys and girls, enthusiastically participated in...

Art and Culture Around The World –First Steps Towards Collaborative Learning In February all of the children from Nursery to Second Grade participated in Creative Week.  During this week the children were mixed together so that they had the opportunity to work with new friends from different...

St. Paul´s participated in a Model United Nations Conference. We were lucky enough to have 15 students participating at the XVII Iberian Model United Nations (IMUN) that took place in Lisbon from the 10th of November to 13th organized by the Carlucci American International School...

KidSmart is part of a global initiative by IBM to encourage the development of technical competencies in young learners in schools today.  The project was started in 1998 and currently there are 60 countries participating in the program. The KidSmart is a computer integrated in a...

Un Proyecto de Orientación Profesional  Europeo para 1º de Bachillerato, contrastado en Inglaterra, Escocia, y Alemania Cada alumno deberá ocupar un puesto de trabajo en un ámbito laboral o empresa  aportado  por él mismo o por el colegio durante una semana. Esta actividad tendrá lugar ...

Arriba a St. Paul’s el nou mètode de càlcul mental UCMAS que s’implantarà a l’etapa de primària a partir del curs 2011-12. A la nostra escola sempre busquem la manera d’incentivar els nostres alumnes buscant innovadores maneres de treballar. Per això, els professors intentem estar...

Nuestro interés es avanzar y dar opciones al crecimiento de nuestros alumnos.  Para el próximo curso hemos aprobado nuevas iniciativas que a continuación detallamos y que tiene por objetivo, estimular, motivar y completar la formación global que ofrecemos a nuestros alumnos para todas las secciones. 17...