Deporte en St. Paul’s

Summer School & Sport Camp 2024

¡Prepárate para sumergirte en la emoción olímpica en el corazón de Barcelona con el Summer Camp más vibrante y dinámico que jamás hayas experimentado!

St. Paul’s Volta Project

VOLTA is an innovative programme that mixes sport, acrobatics, Latin American dance and martial arts together with an exciting approach to filmmaking. The Volta workshops have been running in Latin

St. Paul’s Fun Run

th March we held the IV St. Paul’s Fun Run. All students in Bachillerato and ESO along with members of the teaching staff and administration took part and ran the 3.5 km course starting at


Enguany, per primer cop, els nens i nenes de segon curs de primària varen participar a l’esdeveniment de dansa contemporània Dansa Ara. Aquest esdeveniment  s’emmarca dins del programa L’escola fa


To celebrate the last day of school before the Easter holidays we have held the 3rd St. Paul’s Fun Run. All students in Bach and ESO took part and ran

María Altarriba – Campeona de Catalunya

Nos hace mucha ilusión compartir con todos ustedes  que el equipo de Hockey Hierba – JUNIOR FC –  donde juega la alumna de St. Paul’s School María Altarriba, de 6ºB se

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