Invitados St. Paul’s

Encuentro Bienal Exalumnos 2016

Gracias a todos los que nos acompañasteis el pasado 10 de marzo en el Encuentro Bienal Exalumnos 2016, todos disfrutamos de una jornada entrañable, interesante y llena de emotivos recuerdos.

Warwickshire County Choirs

On Tuesday 29 October the students of 1 ESO and 3 ESO were treated to a concert given by 2 choirs from the UK:   the Warwickshire County Girls’ Choir and

Sexin School from Istanbul at St. Paul’s

About 13 students from the Sezin School in Istanbul came last Wednesday to St Paul´s as a cultural visit. They are learning Spanish as a language and came to Barcelona

Wind Band Concert!

On Monday 18 February St. Paul’s received a visit from the Norfolk County Symphonic Wind Band.  The 28 boys and girls who made up the band were on a school

Visitors from Finland

In May St. Paul’s received a visit from a group of students from a secondary school in Finland who were on a cultural trip to Spain. As well as having

American Visitors from Vermont

On Friday 24 February, St. Paul’s was delighted to receive a visit from 17 students from the Long Trail High School in Vermont, U.S.A.  The students were on a 2-week

Glasgow Academy Choir

The Sound of Scotland in Barcelona On October 17th, for the first time in its history, St. Paul’s received a visit from a real Scottish pipe band.  The band was

Steve Smallman visited St. Paul’s

Steve Smallman is a well-known English children’s author and illustrator.  On the 20th of September 2011 Steve came to St. Pauls to visit the children of Kinder, Prep, First and

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