Metodologías de aprendizaje

Iberian Model United Nations – IMUN

In the beginning of November 15 students form 1st of Baccalaureate participated in the XIX IMUN Conference in Lisbon organised by the Carlucci American International School of Lisbon for three

St. Paul’s Radio Show

A unique project with the first of Baccalaureate Current Affairs group to create their own radio show has been started this term. The students are involved in the research, writing,

4th of ESO English Workshop Talks

Throughout the year 4th of ESO students have been giving talks on a variety of topics from The Cuban Missile Crisis to The Civil War in Syria. It’s an opportunity


És un concurs dirigit als alumnes de 5è i 6è de primària on se’ls planteja una participació voluntària, en la que s’han de presentar fotografies relacionades amb les matemàtiques. Cada

The Oral Skills Programme in 6th grade

The Movie Making activity for the Video School Magazine in 6th grade, have had a big impact on the English of the participating students.  When, either acting or in front

The importance of innovation

Eduard Salvador, an experienced  entrepreneur, visits 3 ESO to make them think about their future in the world of business and  explains the importance of innovating, having new experiences and


On 7th and 8th of March 10 students from 1st  of Bachillerato B participated in the Global Enterprise Project alongside 100 students from other schools in the Barcelona area as

2nd of ESO Science Inventions!

Following a study of the basics of electricity and electrical circuits in their classes of Technology, 2 ESO students were asked to invent a game, gadget or other device based

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