Talento St. Paul’s

Fem Mates

El passat 14 d’abril, l’Anzhelika Ayrapetyan, la Marina Mestres i l’Àlex Miranda de 2n ESO van participar a la 2a fase de Fem Matemàtiques, que es va celebrar a l’institut

Creative Week 2012

Art and Culture Around The World –First Steps Towards Collaborative Learning In February all of the children from Nursery to Second Grade participated in Creative Week.  During this week the


On the 1st and 2nd of March 15 students from 4 ESO had the opportunity to participate in the Global Enterprise Project – Barcelona Challenge along with students from other

Èxit en Futbol Sala

El passat dissabte 18 de febrer els nostres jugadors de futbol 5 de 2n de Primària varen debutar per primera vegada en un torneig organitzat pel CEEB (Consell Esportiu Escolar


Arriba a St. Paul’s el nou mètode de càlcul mental UCMAS que s’implantarà a l’etapa de primària a partir del curs 2011-12. A la nostra escola sempre busquem la manera

‘Bachillerato Artístico’ Programme

Starting in September 2011, we are delighted to announce the inauguration of our ‘Bachillerato Artístico’ programme. Students who choose this programme will be given the opportunity to study nearly all

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