Maximizing student potential through Work Experience

Preparing students for the workplace is essential in today’s education. The “Work Experience” training program, which is carried out during the first year of Bachillerato, offers a practical understanding of the world of work and promotes the development of professional skills and vocational interests of each student.

St. Paul’s has been leading this initiative for 18 years, perfecting the program and expanding the network of collaborating companies, as well as the sectors in which they operate, year after year.

This training program has been implemented for years in countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany, demonstrating its universal value.

It has numerous benefits for students including:

  • Exploration of different professional fields
  • Practical application of academic knowledge
  • Development of professional skillS
  • Establishing contacts in the industry.

In short, the Work Experience during high school not only benefits individual students, but also contributes to the development of a more competent workforce for the 21st century.

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