
I am delighted and excited to welcome each and every member of the St. Paul’s community to the academic year 2016-17. Within our student centered program which promotes academic excellence and fully addresses diversity through a carefully planned curriculum led by our team of highly trained...

Creativity is fundamental throughout all stages of life, it provides the human brain with an opportunity to break normal patterns, to move out of our comfort zone and to see things from a different perspective....

Gracias a todos los que nos acompañasteis el pasado 10 de marzo en el Encuentro Bienal Exalumnos 2016, todos disfrutamos de una jornada entrañable, interesante y llena de emotivos recuerdos. El apoyo incondicional de nuestros exalumnos nos permite mantener vivo el espíritu del colegio y de...

Un any més, l’Associació Slow Food - va reunir el passat 29 de febrer a la Fundació Alícia al Mont Sant Benet els restaurants que aposten per una cuina compromesa. El motiu era el lliurament anual dels distintius Km0-Slow Food, en aquest cas a 13 nous restaurants que...

The scene of this world is continually changing. With technological advancement, comes a shift in how we communicate, interact, learn and teach. But also, even greater shifts take place in the underlying structures and functions of society overall through ever changing possibilities that come with...