
Last week 14 students attended the Model United Nations conference organised by Liceo Linguistico A. Manzoni in Milan. We spent four days debating, speaking, lobbying and discussing world issues representing some four countries. Passing resolutions and amending them was the order of the day. Apart from...

Enguany, per primer cop, els nens i nenes de segon curs de primària varen participar a l’esdeveniment de dansa contemporània Dansa Ara. Aquest esdeveniment  s’emmarca dins del programa L’escola fa esport a la ciutat, que organitza l´Ajuntament de Barcelona. El dilluns 8 d’abril, els nens i nenes...

About 13 students from the Sezin School in Istanbul came last Wednesday to St Paul´s as a cultural visit. They are learning Spanish as a language and came to Barcelona for a few days. At St. Paul´s they took part in some lessons and got...

The Movie Making activity for the Video School Magazine in 6th grade, have had a big impact on the English of the participating students.  When, either acting or in front of the camera, they have been motivated to practice their oral delivery and presentation in...