Excelencia académica

Claire Neely welcomes the new school year

I am honoured to assume the role of principal this year. After 18 years of experience at this institution, I am deeply committed to our tradition of excellence and eager

Experiencia Internacional

Memorable International Experiences

More than three decades ago, St. Paul’s School, one of the pioneering schools in English education in Barcelona, embarked on an exciting project to provide its students with an international experience in the United Kingdom. Over the years, this project has expanded to include Europe, the United States, and Canada, continuing its growth and evolution. We are pleased to introduce you to our International Project and its origins.

Work experience

Exploring the world of work with the Work Experience

In order to enrich and complement the learning experience of St. Paul’s School students in the classrooms, the first year of Bachillerato offers them a pioneering project called “Work Experience,” which is part of the school’s career guidance program.

Acceso a universidades internacionales

Acceso a universidades internacionales

Acceso a universidades internacionales con el título de Bachillerato Estudiar una carrera en el extranjero puede ofrecer experiencias increíbles y recuerdos inolvidables, pero también es un gran desafío. Antes de


Nursery at St. Paul’s School

The nursery stage of children is very important. At St. Paul’s, through a unique approach to early childhood learning, we encourage progress and individuality.

The English Challenge

It is with immense pleasure that I am authoring this article as the new Head of English at St. Paul’s. Taking on this challenge at such an exciting point in

El éxito de un proyecto educativo

Al inicio del período de preinscripción 2022-23, el Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona facilitó a todos los centros educativos de la ciudad, los datos sobre la evolución de la natalidad: El

Atención a la diversidad

Muchas veces la gente asocia el concepto “diversidad” con aquellas personas que tienen alguna dificultad o que necesitan un apoyo adicional para seguir el ritmo de aprendizaje de la clase.

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