Legal Notice

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information company services and electronic commerce, the user is informed that the owner of the website is the company FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S, whose identifying details are as follows:

  • CIF (Spanish tax ID): G60197241
  • Registered address: Av. De Pearson, 39
  • Postcode: 08034
  • City: Barcelona
  • Province: Barcelona
  • Registration details: Registered in the Registry of Foundations of the Generalitat de Catalunya with Nº 672.

1. Access to the website

The Legal Notice regulates users’ access to and use of the website and aims to make the company’s services known and allow general access to them for all Internet users.

By accessing and/or using the website, the user accepts each and every one of these general terms and conditions, without reservation of any kind, as well as any other particular terms and conditions which, if applicable, apply to the use of the web portal or the services linked to it.

The user must read the Legal Notice and the Privacy and Cookie Policies carefully when wishing to use the website, since at any time and without needing to give prior notice, FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S reserves the right to modify or update its content and services, or these terms and conditions of access and use and, in general, any parts of the website’s design and settings. If you do not accept the terms and conditions of access and use, please refrain from using the website and its content.

2. Use of the website

The user undertakes to make proper use of the website and of the information regarding its services, subject to the regulations applicable, as well as to morality, generally accepted good faith and public order, the terms and conditions of access and use and any other terms and conditions established on the website.

In addition, the user undertakes to refrain from using any of the content for illegal purposes, as prohibited by this text, which may be harmful to the rights and concerns of third parties, or which may in any way damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the content or prevent it from being used normally by other users or any Internet user (hardware and soft.

3. Functioning of the website

If the terms and conditions of the Legal Notice or the Privacy and Cookie Policies are breached, FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S reserves the right to limit, suspend and/or deny access to its website, by adopting any technical measures necessary to do it. FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S will do what is possible to keep the website functioning smoothly, avoid errors or at least fix them, and keep the content updated. However, FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S does not guarantee the continuing availability of or access to the website, nor the avoidance of errors in the content.

4. Liability

The user is solely liable for the use they may make of any information or tool on the website.

FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S will not be liable for any damage to the user’s hardware and/or software arising from accessing and using the website. Neither will it be liable for any losses and/or damages which may be caused by accessing and/or using the information on the website, and in particular those which may occur in computer systems or be caused by viruses or hacks, shutdowns, or interruptions, failure or problems with the connection and/or the Internet.

The user will be liable for the losses and/or damages which FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations which the user is subject to in this Legal Notice, the regulations applicable and the Privacy and Cookie Policies.

5. External links policy (links from or to other websites)

Links from other websites

Third parties who wish to include a link to this website or on their own website must comply with the current legislation and may not host content that is inappropriate, illegal, pornographic, violent, etc.

FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S is in no case responsible for the content of the external website and neither does it promote, vouch for, oversee or recommend its content.

If the external website is found in breach of any of the above, it will be required to remove the link immediately.

Links to other websites

This website may include links to third-party websites, allowing the user to access them directly. However, FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S is not responsible for the content of these external websites and the user will be liable for accepting and checking the terms and conditions of access every time they are visited.

Linking to or mentioning another website does not imply support, approval, commercial endorsement or any relationship with the website and the people or companies that own it or are found on it.

6. Intellectual and industrial property rights for content

FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S, or its licensors, are the owners of all intellectual property rights for the content of the website, which is understood to be all the designs, databases, underlying computer programs (including source code), as well as the different elements that make up the website (text, graphics, photographs, videos, colours, etc.), structure, layout, etc. Brands and trade names (“distinctive trademarks”) are owned by FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S or the licensors.

The use of the website by the user does not imply the granting of any intellectual or industrial property rights. The user is totally forbidden to reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or otherwise publicly send, transform or modify the content of the distinctive trademarks, unless authorisation is given by the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.

7. Advertising

The website may contain advertising or sponsored content. Advertisers or sponsors are solely responsible for making sure that the material submitted for inclusion on the website complies with the laws which may be applicable in each case.

FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S will not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies or irregularities which the advertising or sponsorship content may contain.

8. Applicable legislation

The Legal Notice will be applied and interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation.

Any conflict which may arise from access to the website will be submitted to and settled by the relevant courts or tribunals in accordance with consumer and user regulations.

9. Contact

If you have any questions or comments about this Legal Notice, you can contact us by email: (FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA ST. PAUL’S).

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